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Veneers are thin, custom-made shells crafted of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front side of teeth. They are an option for correcting stained, chipped, decayed or crooked teeth. Veneers are made by a dental technician, usually in a dental lab, working from a model provided by your dentist.



Veneer placement typically takes 2 visits:

  1. The dentist will clean the tooth and determine the correct shade for the veneer. The dentist will remove a very small amount of the enamel of the tooth to provide room to place the veneer on the tooth.

  2. An impression of the tooth will be made for the laboratory and a temporary veneer will be placed on the tooth with spot etching in the center of the tooth away from the margins.

  3. After the laboratory has delivered the veneer to your dentist, the temporary veneer is removed, the tooth is cleaned with pumice and water. The veneer is then etched, rinsed throughly with water and air dried. The adhesive is placed on the preparation and then the cement and the veneer is placed for exact fit and contour.

  4. Your dentist will remove any excess material and polish the margins of the veneer.

Thank you! We'll be in touch as soon as we can!


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